
Thursday, June 05, 2008

Lentil and Bulghur Salad

1 cup dry lentils (try mixing French Green lentils and Black lentils)
1 cup fine bulgur wheat
1 large red bell pepper, finely diced
1 cup parsley, finely diced
1/2 cup green onions, diced
1/4 cup crumbled feta

For Dressing:
1/3 cup olive oil
1/3 cup + 1 Tsp cider or red wine vinegar
1 Tsp dill (dry)
1 Tsp basil (dry)
1 Tsp mint (dry)
1 tsp kosher salt
1/2 tsp ground black pepper
1/4 tsp baharat
1/4 tsp cayenne

Boil the lentils in 4 cups of water for 15-20 minutes or until tender.
While the lentils are boiling, put the bulghur in a large bowl and add 1 cup of boiling water. Cover the bowl.
Mix all the ingredients for the dressing.
When the lentils are done, drain through a sieve. Leave it in the sieve for a few minute to allow the excess water to drain away.
While the lentils are draining, fluff the bulghur.
Mix the lentils and the bulghur. While they are still hot, pour the dressing over the lentils and bulghur. Mix well.
Add the red bell pepper, green onions and parsley. Mix well.
Allow to cool for at least 4 hours. Refrigerate if necessary.
If refrigerated, allow the salad to come to room temperature. Mix in the feta and serve.
Political Evolution

For the first time in my life, I will not vote for the (presumptive) Democratic party nominee for President. While I am proud of Hillary Clinton's presidential campain, I will not follow her in supporting the Democratic nominee. I wish her well in her future role, but she does not speak for me. I will not leave the Democratic Party because there is still a lot that I agree with, but ask me again in 2 years and we'll see how I feel.

I want smaller government, and the way to do that and still provide necessary services to to root out waste, earmarks, and corruption. The Republican Party has been blighted by the scourge of greed and cronyism over the years of the Bush administration, but with John McCain they will have an opportunity to change all that. I now support John McCain for President and will append the word "enthusiastically" to that sentence if he chooses Alaska Governor Sarah Palin as his running mate. Republicans have good ideas regarding the role of government, but have failed in its execution. Governor Palin is taking exactly the right approach in Alaska, weeding out the cancer at its source.

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