
Thursday, November 11, 2004

Blogging is hard

How do people who are actually employed have the time to blog? No time to do much while actually at work, and I've been getting home pretty late all week. I guess this has been a particularly busy week for me, and I'm not really of the sort to just post links to news items that I found somewhere else. So the dearth of posts since Monday does not bode well for the future of this page.

In any case, here's my take on the hot items of the day.
  1. Vote fraud conspiracy theories - Liberals are embarassing themselves.
  2. DNC chair - Obviously, it should be Howard Dean, but what I've read about Simon Rosenberg sounds good.
  3. Alberto Gonzales - There would be no more appropriate choice to head DOJ for this administration than the guy who rationalized away the Geneva Conventions.
  4. Yassir Arafat - The ball is in Israel's court now. They have long claimed that he was the principal roadblock to a peace agreement. Put up or shut up.

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